The Philippine Media Network Service Cooperative has launched COOP Dyaryo, a print publication that covers events, personalities, and issues about the Philippine cooperative community as well significant community-wide local, regional, and nationwide topics that affect every working Filipino. The PMNSC initially prints COOP Dyaryo on a monthly basis but intends to expand it into a more frequent publishing schedule.
Any duly registered cooperative and legitimate organization with a community-wide impact may have their content published on COOP Dyaryo simply by coordinating with the PMNSC and submitting your content. As expected, the PMNSC COOP Dyaryo team will go over your content and may edit for appropriateness, but we commit to help you get your message across according to your intentions.
You and your organization can also be a COOP Dyaryo Partner by committing to sponsor some of COOP Dyaryo’s content or helping to sponsor some of the printing and distribution costs for the publication. Please coordinate with the PMNSC for details on becoming a COOP Dyaryo Partner.