The Philippine Media Network Service Cooperative is a Filipino-owned cooperative in the “media services” category duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority in the Republic of the Philippines.
Public Relations and Public Information
PMNSC can partner with your organization in effectively communicating with your target clientele and with the general public. Our members are mostly professional media practitioners who know the difference between positive and negative media exposure.
Broadcast Coverage
With COOP RTVN, the PMNSC can provide quality online media coverage, as well as print and broadcast coverage, of all your public events, as well as other issues that involve your organization.
Training and Advocacy
The PMNSC and COOP RTVN can help you train your spokespersons and turn them into more effective communicators. One of our objectives is to improve the overall media environment.
Public Consciousness
The PMNSC and COOP RTVN are guided by our mission to continue to be aware of the important issues that affect the nation in general and our communities in particular. With that awareness, we will lead in enlightening the audience about what good citizens should be doing for their own families as well as their society.
Being a cooperative, the PMNSC is committed to building trust and keeping that trust. As long as you have good intentions, we will consider you as our Partner in building a better society.
You can become a PMNSC Partner, a COOP RTVN Partner, or a COOP Dyaryo Partner by sponsoring all or some of our broadcast, print, and online content. As such, you and your organization will be appropriately acknowledged in our radio and TV programming and in our regular print publication.